Monday, January 5, 2015

Chicken and Noodles

well, pretty simple really.
Before i go to work i cook a whole chicken in the crock-pot on high. Completely fill your crock with water
When i come home i take the chicken out to cool.
I throw in about 5 chicken bullion cubes in with the chicken broth
1-2 tbsp sage
salt/pepper to taste
1 tbsp garlic salt
throw in your noodles.  I prefer homemade.  If you don't have a good noodle recipe I have one posted under perfect pastry.
I de-bone the chicken and throw it all in the pot.
Mix 2 tbsp cornstarch with cold water....put in your pot for thickness. Stir in slowly or it will clump.
Let cook for a couple more hours or until noodles or done.

You can cook this over the stove top to get the noodles done a little quicker.  If I get home late I will transfer it to the stove.

We like ours over mashed potatoes.
So yummy!

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