Saturday, March 21, 2015

Gluten/Dairy Free Pan Fried Breakfast Casserole

I have had to start eating Gluten, Dairy and Soy free, so I've been experimenting.  I made this for myself and the kids today for breakfast.  Its really nothing unusual.  Just really a reminder that we can still eat good food!!

3 small potatoes, cleaned well, but not skinned
1/2 white onion chopped
4 oz. chopped ham
6 whole eggs
salt free seasoning
1 Tbsp Coconut Oil

In a fry pan, melt Coconut oil.  I used my veggie spiral tool and spiraled the potatoes.  Rinse the starch off. Put them in the hot oil.  Then add the onion.  Mix this up and cook until the potatoes are browned and cooked.   In a mixing bowl wisk your eggs and then add the chopped ham.  Add this to your potatoes. Add your seasoning.  Cook until eggs are done.  This makes about 4 servings.  Enjoy!

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