Thursday, January 15, 2015

Cheeseburger Potato Bake

This is a new dish tonight.  I had some left over baked potatoes in the fridge and an opened container of cheddar cheese soup.  So I threw some stuff together and gave it a name.  Turned out pretty darn good.  I think next time I'll add some pickles for a little more kick :)


2 lbs ground beef or venison
8 baked potatoes, or cut up some fresh.
1 onion chopped
1/2 cup beef broth
1 can cheddar cheese soup 
1 can cream of mushroom soup mix
8-10 sliced cooked bacon chopped
2 cups cheddar cheese
1 tsp onion powder
1 tsp garlic powder
salt/pepper to taste


Cook your ground beef in skillet.  Drain and put in the bottom of a 9x13 casserole dish.  Top with cubed up potatoes and chopped onions.

In a separate bowl combine soups, onion powder, beef broth, garlic powder, salt and pepper.  Mix thoroughly and pour over the beef, potatoes, and onions.  Mix everything together making sure the potatoes are coated.  Top with cheddar cheese and cooked bacon.

Bake at 375* for 1 hour covered.

VOILA!!!  Let me know what you think!  

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